Profile PictureAlex Quevillon

Turn-Based Tactic - Unreal Engine Project Template - Strategy

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Turn-Based Tactic - Unreal Engine Project Template - Strategy


This project is a good starting point to build your own turn-based tactic strategy game.
It has multiple examples and a detailed debug menu so you can easily understand and test everything.

Compatible Unreal Versions (Windows, Mac & Linux)
- 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

Turn-Based Tactic Demo & Tutorial:
- Project Trailer
- Project Documentation
- [EN] Documentation Videos Playlist
- [FR] Vidéos Documentation Playlist
- Windows Build 4.25
- Windows Build 5.1

My Other Links:
- [EN] YouTube - Unreal Engine Tutorials
- [FR] YouTube - Tutoriels Unreal Engine
- Patreon

Need Help?
- Email:
- Discord:


- Top down camera movement
- Turn-based tactical combat
- Dynamic grid (Square, Hexagon and Triangle)
- Grid based pathfinding
- Basic tactical AI
- Overworld navigation
- In game debug menu to test all the features
- Player actions system to execute all kinds of actions by only using the left and right mouse buttons
- Multiple example of unit types, spells, AIs and levels

Important/Additional Notes:

- This asset is a complete Unreal Project, open it with the corresponding engine version for better result.
- You should be able to migrate all the assets in your own existing project, but you'll need to combine the project settings manually.
- Does not support network multiplayer.

Asset Content:

- 1 complete Unreal Engine project
- 11 Example Levels
- 65 Blueprints
- 30 Static Meshes
- 6 Skeletal Meshes
- 30 Animations
- 6 Animation Blueprints
- 85 Textures (Icons)
- Enums, Structures, Data Table, etc.


- Mouse: Execute actions (left & right click) and zoom (wheel)
- Keyboard: Camera movement (W, A, S, D, Q & E)

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